Friday 12 September 2008


Ferrous metals has iron in and they corrode and rust when they meet any moisture, they are also magnetic. Normally cast iron or steel.
Non ferrous metals are the opposite to ferrous, they are more expensive, aluminium, copper, lead, tin, zinc.
Alloys are two materials mixed together to make a new substance which might make it stronger.
Working is where you work it too hard so you need to anneal it by heating it up then quenching it fast so you can work with the metal.
Hardening is a process that makes the inside of the metal hard by heating it up fast then quenching it. The carbon in the steel is effected and becomes stronger.
Tempering is a process that makes the outside strong by heating up mainly steels and quenching them, it makes the outside cote brittle and grey.
you can buy metal in sheets, rods, blocks, bars and square sections.
Normalising is a process that allows you to obtain smaller crystals of more regular size this makes the metal stronger and tougher.

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